Personal data
protection agreement

By accepting this Agreement and providing your data through the website, ("The Website" from now on), via filling in the fields of an online form or specifying personal data in an online chat.

The User:

1. confirms, that all the data provided belongs to them personally,
2. confirms, that they have read the Protection agreement of personal data, provided by them in an online form, carefully and completely. They understand the text and the terms of the Agreement.
3. agrees to the processing by the Website of the provided personal data in order to conclude and fulfill this Agreement between them and the Website;
4. accepts the terms of personal data processing without reservations and restrictions.

The User agrees to the processing of their personal data, which means taking actions specified in paragraph 3 of part 1 of article 3 of the Federal Law of July 27, 2006 N 152-FZ "On Personal Data", and confirms that, giving such consent, they act freely, of their own will and in their own interest. The User's consent to the processing of their personal data is specific, informed, and conscious. This User Agreement is recognized as fulfilled in a simple written form, for the processing of the following personal data: name, middle name, last name; date of birth; place of residence (city, region); phone numbers; email addresses (E-mail). The User grants the company «Element» the right to perform the following actions with their personal data: gathering and accumulation; storage for a time specified by the regulations, but not less, than three years after the User has stopped using the company's services; clarification (updating, editing); usage; destruction; de-personification; transfer by a court order, including transfer to the third party, with observing the measures, that ensure protection of the personal data from unauthorized access. The provided consent is valid indefinitely and may be withdrawn by the User via a request to the website administration, providing the data specified in article 14 of the Law "On Personal Data". The Website reserves the right to make changes to this Agreement. When making changes, the date of the last update is indicated in the current version. The new edition of the Agreement comes into force from the moment it is published, unless the new edition of the Agreement specifies otherwise. The law of the Russian Federation applies to this Agreement and to relations between the User and the Webiste, arising from application of the Agreement.


Personal data protection agreement
To confirm your agreement to the processing of the personal data you provide and to complete your request, enter the following digit in the field below

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Personal data protection agreement
To confirm your agreement to the processing of the personal data you provide and to complete your request, enter the following digit in the field below
Privacy policy
We care about your privacy.<br>The data you provide will only be used to contact you and will never be shared with a third party.
Online form